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Love at first sight

Love at first sight.
Do you know that feeling?
When you see someone and you know it.
That you feel that he is the one you were looking for,
Just the way he is .
His funny laugh, his smile, the dimples on his face.
And when he walks by you just think WOW.
But it always hurts when he doesn't look at you,
Like you look at him.
Every time the rejection.
Well that hurts.
A lot.
But when he looks at you,
The way you look at him.
it's the best feeling in the world.
You feel like you can climb every mountain.
And you can do everything because you're strong enough,
Because he is by your side.
Well that's the kind of feeling,
I am looking for.
And maybe i will find the perfect one for me.
I hope you find yours too.

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Love at first sight