Poem gedichten
U ziet de poem gedichten 1 t/m 50 van de 216
- Poem
- A love poem
- Pointless poem
- Poem written in the heart
- Translation of the heart
- Inspiration
- A new poem
- You promise
- A person
- Sister love.
- girls will love you after this poem
- Little Facts
- The last poem
- My Question
- idk...
- You are
- My Big Family
- love
- heartbeat
- What a real friend should be
- I'm sure
- You are
- I Don't know anything at all
- Take a moment
- I like
- Slave
- The way I write
- Goodnight.
- I got you some roses
- Goodbye everyone!
- You.
- It's the way
- It hurts
- Everything
- People who do self harm
- the special one
- Live to Love
- The years go by
- the poem of the recluse
- writing my love down
- I love you
- My sweet love
- Ritual from the Heart
- Perebloesems wit.
- De nacht nadat..
- I'm sorry
- you (L)
- A Beautiful Star
- Hug me!
- Mama
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