Heraclitus Pt. 3
# 1:
ποταμοῖσι τοῖσιν αá½Ï„οῖσιν á¼Î¼Ïαίνουσιν,
ἕτεÏα καὶ ἕτεÏα ὕδατα á¼Ï€Î¹ÏÏεῖ.
Ever different waters flow towards
those stepping into the same rivers.
Towards those stepping into the same rivers
ever different waters flow.
"rivers the same (ones) those-stepping-into,
other and other waters stream-towards."
á¼Î¼Ïαίνουσιν > dativum pluralis activum participium praesens.
"pò-da-MIE-sie / DIE-sien / af-TIE-sien / em-BÈ-noe-sien /
È-dè-ra / kè / È-dè-ra / (h-)IE-dha-da / è-pie-rRIE."
ie = short "ee" / oe = short "oo" / dh = as in "to breathe" /
r = tong-tip-r / a = as in Dutch, French, German, Ivrit, &c.
_ _ _
# 2:
ποταμοῖς τοῖς αá½Ï„οῖς
á¼Î¼Î²Î±Î¯Î½Î¿Î¼Îν τε καὶ οá½Îº á¼Î¼Î²Î±Î¯Î½Î¿Î¼ÎµÎ½,
εἰμÎν τε καὶ οá½Îº εἰμÎν.
Into the same rivers
we step ánd we don't step >>
we are ánd we are not.
"rivers the same (ones)
into-step-we ánd not into-step-we
are-we ánd not are-we."
"pò-da-MIE(s) / DIES / af-TIES /
èm-BÈ-nò-mèn / dè / kè / OEK / èm-BÈ-nò-mèn /
ie-MÈN / dè / kè / OEK / ie-MÈN."
ie = short "ee" / oe = short "oo" /
a = as in Dutch, French, German, Ivrit, &c.
_ _ _
# 3:
δὶς á¼Ï‚ τὸν αá½Ï„ὸν ποταμὸν οá½Îº ἂν á¼Î¼Î²Î±Î¯Î·Ï‚.
You cannot step into the same river twice, for sure.
"twice into the same river not surely (into-)step-can-you."
[ἂν á¼Î¼Î²Î±Î¯Î·Ï‚ > optativus potentialis.]
DHIES / es / don / af-TON / pò-da-MON / OEK / an / em-BÈ-yies."
ie = short "ee" / dh = as in "to breathe" /
a = as in Dutch, French, German, Ivrit, &c.
_ _ _
πάντα ῥεῖ (panta rhei > "PAN-da RIE"), "everything flows",
is a paraphrase and was not spoken by Heraclitus.
_ _ _
Source of Heraclitus' sayings in Greek > Wikipedia !!
Heraclitus Pt. 1 - 3 >> Translations are mine:
I corrected the mistakes !!
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