Cherry blossom catnap.
Full haiku version:
Coming for blossoms
among blossoms I nod off,
time-off I needed ?!
Long version:
Among cherry blossoms I nod off,
although I've come to see them,
some much-needed time-off ?!
[Yosa Buson # 189, spring.]
haná kÃte / haná ni inéburu / itóma ka ná.
if not specified haná are sakúra
kÃte = participium praesens of kúru = (to) come
inèburu = inèmuru = (to) catnap, (to) nod off
itòma = himá = free time, leisure, time-off
ka ná = I-wonder/guess-?! >> I-needed-I-guess-?!
_ _ _
Source: "Collected Haiku of Yosa Buson",
translated by W.S. Merwin & Takako Lento,
. . . but in my opinion it leaves a lot to be desired !!
And many thanks to:
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