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Where Nature Reigns.


16 Translations [白狐]

# 1

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Even calls of wild geese
fools listen to in silence,
the charm of beauty !!


gan-gane mo
shizuka ni bun
baka-ra bi-zuya.

[聞 bun=kiku=hear/listen/ask][gangane=karigane]
call of the wild goose too/even in-silence/silently
listen-to fools the-charm-of-beauty

# 2

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Inn among blossoms
in humblest humility
guest's request for sex.

Herberg tussen bloesems
gast doet in alle nederigheid
een verzoek om liefde.


shimojimo no shita no
kyaku toi ha(=wa) ren
hana no yado.

guest [kyakú]
under [no shitá no]
the under-under [shimójimo]
question [toí]
(nominativus) [wa]
(is) romance/(in-)love [ren=kóï]
of-flower(s)/-blossom(s) [haná no]
lodging/inn/dwelling [yádo]

# 3

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Since Master's Retreat
I am in the city --
selling trifles.


shiwasu no shi ni
uru sasaï.

"from-while"(=since)-"master's-retreat"-'s (> since 1(?) December)
to/in(moving-around-in)-city sell(s) trifles
些細 sasaï = trivial; light; trifle.

# 4

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Rainy month
buzy for no reason
in faint light.


ame no gatsu
doko tomonashino*

month [gatsu=getsu] of rain (> rainy month) /
aimlessly doing something / (in) faint light.

[*= とも無しに tomonashini ?? (= zomaar iets doen).
何処とも無く doko-to-mo-na*-ku = aimlessly; somehow.
* ç„¡ nothing, un-/in-, not]
usu [light, weak, >faint] -akari [light (noun)]

# 5

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Daybreak --
a croaking toad finds it hard
to dominate.

Krieken van de dag,
een kwakende kikker valt 't
zwaar de baas te zijn.


akatsuki wo
mutsukashi sau ni
mei kaeru.

daybreak (acc.) /
difficult/hard to-left-and-right/domination /
croaking toad/frog.

# 6

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

tears and soon
freezing orchids.


tafutosa no
namida ya sugu-ni
kooru ran.

[ran = orchid, from the Greek word for: testicle . . . ]

>> ὁ ὀρχις, pl. οἱ ὀρχεις > "ò Òrkhies"/ "ie Òrkhies"
kh = either like in German "ich" or in German "Bach"
r = tongue-tip-r

# 7

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

embrace only if I wear
my clothes . . .


kagerofu no
hou tsukeba waga
koromo ka na.

Kagerofu's embrace/hug/hold-in-arms
if/provided-wearing my clothes, I-guess-?!

# 8

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

are things I don't like
in a landscape . . .


mume no hana
mono ki ni ira-nu
keshiki ka na.

>> 梅の花物気に入らぬ景色哉
plum-/apricotblossom(s) / thing(s) unpleasing /
scenery/landscape, or am I joking ?!
[Japanese plums rather look like apricots !!
"plum" is used for its one-syllable-shortness.]

# 9

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Seeing the first snowfall
is the reason why I
have washed my face.


hatsu yuki wo
mite kara kao wo

first snow (acc.) / seeing (reason-)from face (acc.) / wash(-recollection)

# 10

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

The Harvest Moon
not one bright moment of night
there has been.


meigetsu ha(=wa)
yoru akaru-kiha(=kiwa) mo

Harvest Moon night bright/lively time/moment-of
too/even/(not-)at-all/(not-)one isn't-there(-recollection)
[* 無かる nakaru = to not be; be absent.]

# 11

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Autumn wind
after the hemp cutting
-- a strong one.


chikara-na ya
asa-kari ato no
aki no kaze.

powerful/strong -- hemp-cutting <-- after <-- autumn wind

# 12

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

The other way: grafting
onto a pear tree in bloom
a plum twig, would it ?!


ippou ha(=wa)
ume saku momo no
tsugiki ka na.

the-other-way: ume (< wo) saku momo no (< onto) tsugiki ~~
= grafting of a plum (twig) onto a blossoming pear tree

# 13

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Among scattered
blossoms stories about
the old days . . .


san hana no
kan ha(=wa) mukashi-
banashi ka na.

[san = chirasu = scatter][kan=ai(-da)= among, between, inter-]
among scattered blossoms old-days story/-ies ~~

# 14

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

When worshiping
uncertain what to offer:
winter plum blossoms !!


nanto yara
ogameba samushi
ume no hana,

whatever/how (uncertain-what/how) if/when-praying/worshiping
"cold plum" blossoms >>
uncertain what when worshiping (use/offer) winter plum blossoms

# 15

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Mums and wild mums along
the mountain path again look
different from each other.

>> so no interbreeding:
mums do it with mums and stay away from the wild ones !!

[Mums = short for: Chrysanthemums.]


yama-ji no
kiku no-giku tomo
mata chiga(h)i-keri.

mountain path's mums wild-mums together again differ(-recollection)

along the mountain path mums together with the wild mums
"again have differed" [from each other]

# 16

From: Ara No ["Wild Fields"].

Until evergreen camellia
dare wither, cherry blossoms'
spring beauty may fade.


tsubaki made
ori so heraruru
sakura ka na.

camellia until break/yield thus
being-possible-to-lose/lessen cherry-blossom/tree ~~

Until camellia give up (their evergreenness)
cherry trees may lose (their beauty queen status)

* * *

Source: http://wkdhaikutopics.blogspot.nl/2010/11/ochi-etsujin.html

There are 8 haiku left from Ara No I can't translate
and 3 more haiku have words I'm uncertain about !!

And many thanks to: http://tangorin.com/

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Where Nature Reigns.