1001 Gedichten

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Time is money they always say, so with what els will we be able to pay?
Will love become a currency?
So if you love without boundries everything will come for free?
Everything we see must have a value.
If so, they even rate you!
Why do we life in a world which is all about making money and riding the fastest cars.
Would all that money be there for you when you need care for you scars?
Will a big house turn to you and say you will be fine.
Why is everybody so eager to say “you know this is mine”
Could we rate the value of a good health?
Do you automaticly optain it with great wealth?
Why is money so important to a man.
Like money is everything there is, everything you want, everything you can.
Money isnt that important,
Money isnt that great.
And if you realise that when you have to much, you are far to late..
Its not about bigger,greater faster.
If money was the only thing on earth, earth would be a great disaster

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