Early cup of coffee
She is perfect to me, and I do my best for her...
She's someone heavenly.. and still so down to earth,
She might be... an angel or at least...
Someone looking sexy in a wet t-shirt,
I am just me, hoping I’m the best,
Maybe not the first, but I'm the best at last,
I’m a sinner, a forgiver... make her a believer,
Baby dance with me and suck my kiss :P
Yeah yeh babe you are the one,
you make me feel happy while I sing this song,
You are...very wonder- ..beautiful,
I am very very sorry that I am not at all,
I’m short in money honey, but never broke you know,
You are my daily sunny daisy with an afterglow,
You’re my... early cup of coffee which I forgot,
Because I looked into your eyes and I got lost.
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