When you look in the dark
When you look in the dark,
alone your come for the light.
When you write and must cry,
but a laugh will can have.
When you look in the hate,
alone knows there is love.
When you talk and says hello to him/her,
alone he/her will say, goodbye.
Why, do you know? I can it you say,
she aren’t cute, all is he of her/him so beautiful.
You know people that really do love you say:
as i go die, really never say goodbye.
Look then to the stars in the dark,
because than i'm a star in the dark.
I have than always light for your,
Believe it.

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Ik weet dat ik niet goed in engels ben, maar ik hoop dat jullie snappen wat ik hier probeer te zeggen.
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