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Stop it

I wanne say stop
And wanne take the other road
That is going to end in coldness and loneless.
I want so bad to give you up
At the end i`m the one that get the punch

You took my heart
And you gave it life
But know its broken
Left, with only coldness
I can't have you
I know it"s true
But you know I will never forget you.

And when I say stop the road
I`m surounded by coldness and lonlyness
But my mind will be free.
And I will leave
Don't look back
Don't come after me
Don`t try to get me back
Leave me at the end of the road
Because with you or without your presence

I'm loosing the control
My feelings run deep within my veins.
I'm a dead rose that feels all pain
The pain you gave my
Cold and lonely I will be

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Stop it