What is a polarbear without ice?
What is a bird without wings?
What is asinger that lost it's voice?
They're nothing.
So what am I wthout you?
I am nothing too.
It hurts so bad.
I can't stand the pain..
I miss everything of you.
Your smile, your tears.
Your hand holding mine.
Your tears on my arm when I give you my shoulder.
I used to smile all the time.
Now I can't remember how.
It aren't your tears dripping anymore.
They're mine.
It feels like I'm falling.
Falling into a deep black hole.
I'm falling so fast.
It scares me.
You had your reasons I know.
But couldn't you say goodbye?
You ment a lot to me.
And now it's all gone.
My hand feels cold.
Yours isn't here to hold.
I have to look for another hand.
But it'll never feel the same.
I was always there for you.
I helped you through a lot of pain.
And now that I need help.
You're not here.
I wish you just came back.
Though I know you can't.
Suicide is not a solution.
But it was for you...
You don't realize what you've done to me.
My sweet, sweet Davey.
What was the true cause of all this?
I miss you.
Please wait for me, 'till I'm dead to.
So we can be together again.
I'll love you for ever!
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