best friends
Best Friends
¤ Best Friends 0f mine,
¤ Closer then Close..
¤ We can Talk about
¤ Everything..No matter
¤ what You are:
¤ always 0n my side..
¤ You are Everything to me,
¤ Never left me Side..
¤ Always hear me when
¤ i'm Callin, even Catch
¤ me when i'm Fallin..
¤ That's Why i Love You..
¤ You know that i'm always
¤ here for You..
¤ in good and Bad Times
¤ You can always call me
¤ if You Need Somebody
¤ to talk You..
¤ Even when it's in
¤ the Middle of the Night
¤ When you cry.. i cry..
¤ We cry Togheter..
¤ You know i Love You
¤ with al my Heart..
¤ And it will Always be that Way
¤ 'Caus you're the Best Friend
¤ someone could ever Have..
¤ And i'm happy that u choose
¤ me to be your Best Friend

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Bestfriends Friends VriendschapReacties op ‘best friends’
mina11 - 29-10-2011 om 17:39