A old man
I've met a old man.
He told me he will soon step out of life.
I said: "No, hang on, it's such a beautiful world"
He laught and said he enjoyed life,
but time is almost up.
He thought that was fine.
He said I'll write you a messages when I arrive.
I'll tell you how it's up there so you don't have to fear in your life.
I'll tell you everything because I'll have all the time.
Yes, everything will be alright.
A month later I revieved a letter, written in gold inkt.
It said: The world looks bigger eith out me but I've seen everuthing I wanted to see.
It's magnivecent up het.
Hang on enjoy your life, here is nothing to fear.
I'll see you about 80 years or more.
Then we'll have fun, because up here I'll always stay young!
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