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there is no home

When i look out of my window,
I see 4 birds together,
I think they represend my family,
If it were not at home.

I look at my laptop,
While i am hearing screams at the background,
I try not to think about it
And i make the volume of the song higher.

Higher and higher until i become deaf,
From all the sounds around me,
Hoping that i don't need to hear them again.
I'ts not my intention to ignore it,

It's just that i am powerless against this.
I can't do anything,
Because I know that 1 bird will always be flying away,
In the wrong direction.

Fly over mountains,
While we humans climb these mountains.
Higher and higher and I hope life is the same as these mountains.
It's tough to climb them, but the view is amazing.

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Over dit gedicht

Thuis bij ons is mijn zusje het probleem. Mijn vader en mijn zusje hebben altijd ruzie. Bedreigingen met door het raam slaan is al vaker voorgekomen. I'm locked in

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there is no home