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Lonely World

They say; I get your world
They say; I know your soul
But deep inside I know control is their goal
What I hold close to my heart
Is hard not to let it change
If they care about me, then
Without the control about my world to rearrange

The voices on the screen
They claim to know it all
They throw opinions high
They don't fear my downfall
They don't realize, what they're getting me into
They don’t see, what I’m going through

Oh it’s a lonely world
This sad lonely world
Where you get bullying for free
Is it okay for you to be you?
But not for me to be me?
We’re free to give our opinion but,...
Don’t mistreated my privacy
Don't break the fragile parts
Let me be, what I want to be
Respect the lines, do it with loving hearts

They speak of hate and love
It feels like a lonely constraint
Turning vibrant shades of life into dull paint
I feel bound, by the weight of their say
Do they know,…respect is a coin flipping both ways
Do they know,… what they are doing,…?
Do they know,… that they are annoying,…

It's okay to be you,…
And for me to be me,…
We got our problems we all want to be free
Opinions float around like leaves in the breeze
Some will land gently some caught in trees
It's not the storm but how we weather it
Don't go so far for the other to quit

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Lonely World