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You're the one

Love ain't always easy
Like you see, in a romantic scene
We fight through the storms
And fight the cracks in between
But baby, you and I
Yes you and I
We're a champ of a team
In every rough, or tough moment
It’s you, who makes me hold on and believe

We faced all the high and low mountains
On our unbelievable crazy love ride
We took on every doubter
And we never had to hide
Sometimes, the road can be rocky
But,… with you by my side
We turn every challenge and trial
Into a great loving joyride

Gotta climb the mountains, swim the seas
Because I love you, and the one I want to please
And every time, when I fall
You're helping me, to stand tall
You're my biggest strength
In every times of need
Together we'll conquer
In every wild love stampede

No, love is not like in fairy tales
And also no promised dreams
It’s just you and me
In this sweet and loving scheme
No matter
No, no matter…
How the future seems
Because, we're holding on to each other
Flowing in love, with our own streams

You are the one
Yes, you are the only one
With whom, I want to walk this way
Hand in hand
Step by step
Lovingly, we'll chase every day
And with every single challenge
That comes on our way to play
We become stronger and stronger
Our love grows, and never sway
You are the one for me
And the only one I see

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You're the one