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Let You Go

Emptiness you have left behind
Pain cuts deep through my mind
Whispers of sorrow, soft en low
Telling me, that I have to let you go
But my heart is broken, it still weeps
Of all the memories it keeps

Never again feel your love
Boundless like the sky above
Never more your warm embrace
Almost unbearable this void I face
My love for you shall never fade
Cherishing the memories we made

Your voice echoes in my ears
Guiding me through past years
Through the bad and good times
You always knew how to shine
Thank you for holding my hand
Thank you for holding me stand

Hearts break but it will heal
Time will help me feel
Love I once adore
Is no longer here anymore
But the memories keeps me strong
In my heart you belong

Rest in peace my dear love
Shine down on me from above
In my dreams you'll always stay
In my heart you'll never sway
I let you go
And let my tears flow
Like a shadow
They will come and go

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Over dit gedicht

Let You Go, written on: 18-12-2019 In loving memory of my father (and mother).

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Away Lost Love Poem

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Let You Go