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Guiding Light

My God You lift me up so high
Through valleys, always by my side
In dark shadows You are my guide
You make me feel so alive
Your love is so great for me
It is Grace and joy You give
You brought Liberation to me
And a new life I now live

When darkness closes me in
Your bright Light begins to spin
All my lonely nights turn to day
Together with You I find my way
You are my God, You are my Lord
Every day and night You are here
I never feel alone with You so near
In Your love I do not fear

Oh I love you my Great God (I love You)
You never leave my side
In the deepest night
You're my Guiding Light
You're my Guiding Light
In every moment You're there
Like a gentle whisper in the air
You’re endless love surrounds me
Oh You’re endless love surrounds me

When heavy chains hold me down tight
You break them with You might
My God, You bring liberation in my soul
With You I'm always whole
With Your Light You brought peace
In Your love I find my release
No more chains
No more chains, You set me free

Through the valleys and in peaks
Your love is what I always seek
Through every trial I'll dance and sing
You're my everything
Yes! You're my everything
Morning sun You are my light
Guiding me through night and day
With Your strength I'm alright
In Your arms I will always stay

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Guiding Light, written on: 25-11-14

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Gedicht God Liefde Love Poem

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Guiding Light