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Love of my Life

Many loving years has passed us by
Still I’m your women and you're my guy
Our love never faded in our love we stay
Our beauty for each other still has not faded away
Years go by so fast but nothing tears us apart
Our love will last in each other's hearts

Your heart still beats for me
Your love for me so true as it can be
Even after all these many years
You're still my only beloved dear
Your eyes a beautiful brown delight
When they look at me it still feel so right

You are my first and only love of my life
I don't want anyone else but you
Thru the years it’s still me who you see
Oh I still tremble when you touch me
It’s your love that takes me higher
I still love it when you set my heart on fire

When I’m with you I'll never stray
Through storms we find our way
When I'm down you lift me high
And carefully you wipe my tears when I cry
Your tender warmth chases fears away
With you I always can face a new day

Warm butterfly kisses land softly on my skin
You make my whole body starts to sing
Every whisper every glance
You are my one true romance
I’m forever yours and you forever mine
By your side my life and world is fine

In your loving arms I find my peace
All my doubts and worries they just cease
With you I can break every scary wall
Together we are strong we stay tall
Every challenge melts away
With you I'm never led astray

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Love of my Life, written for my dear husband on: 4-8-24

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Love of my Life