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Keep on Moving

I’m walking through the storm alone
Climbing hills nobody’s seen ore know
I let my tears fall like rain, but they never show
I just keep on moving and let my past go
Have find the strength inside my soul
Even when the world feels icy cold
I hold on tight and to never fold
I just have to keep on moving, let my past go

You've seen only my moments of the best
But not all the trials, no not the rest
I'm hiding behind the strength I've grown
Through past pain I never show
In the mirror of my eyes there’s a fight
Where shadowed struggles out of sight
But in the light I ‘am standing tall
And I catch myself when I fall

No matter what, I'm climbing high up to the stars
Leave my troubles and fade my scars
My heart is open my wings can fly
I have lot of love inside to touch the sky
I can feel the joy bright and clear
It drives away all my hurt and fear
Every step is like a victory to me
I just keep on moving, I am free

I run through fields chase the warm sun
Feeling the breeze, the new day begun
After every victory there is a next step
I feel joy and smile in every move I make
I sing, clap and dance all the way
Let myself shine bright every day
Put away my worries and fear
To see the joy in my life again bright and clear

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Keep on Moving, written on: 06-08-2024

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Life Poem Storm

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Keep on Moving