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Pain and sorrow here we sit
We can't forgive ore forget about it
Blaming won't help us at all
Into the abyss we seem to fall

Being lost in thoughts about past of err
Remember forgiveness is the love we share
Then sorrow will take back gas
Even when life looks like a mess

Forgive and forget is true
Let go the pain you'll make it through
No more have to be afraid
Misery and sadness shall fade
Our past can feels tortured
But it’s time to take our way forward

Tears like raindrops fall they may
But sunshine always finds its way
Every new dawn drives away storms
It’ll chase away the stuck thorns

Tomorrow's waiting for us all
We pick up the pieces when they fall
Life’s will be better when we hold hands
Let us together take that chance

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Forward, written on: 22-10-17

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Forward Pain Poem

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