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No more lies

When we're scared we start to hide
Under shadows far and wide
Timid whispers full of fear
The truth's the thing we can't go near
Hidden lies, all come to light
Even when you think you’re quiet

Secrets guarded in the night
Mask of fear oh so tight
Every fiber makes it grow
The fear inside oh it shows
Shine again let light in your heart
You shall feel your life restart

Tell no lies tell no lies
Don’t let fear paralyze
Every truth breaks the chain
Let the honesty remain
Tell the truth and watch you grow
The light in you will start to show

Darkness creeps when voices lie
Underneath the starless sky
But the light will shine through
When we speak to what is true
Our thoughts go up and down
But in the light we no longer bound

Fear always whispers in the dark
But each truth will leave a mark
Strengthened voices will rising high
It break chains and touch the sky
Fear shall disappear, will fade away
Life becomes a brighter day

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No more lies, written on 21-07-24

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No more lies