Stilness and sadness
The storm in my heart that brought me a tornado
The anger that I hold close to my heart
You have won the argument again
Like stillness has overcome my every being before I could start
Shadows crawled up to my eyes
Tears are never going out again
Just stilness and sadness are left at the center of my storm
I find shelter and pray for all the heavy rain I can’t stand
Promises and lies are surrounding my life
Forever together alone
Even when the storm has passed and the wind has gone
It chills me tot he bone
The flowers that once bloomed in me
All turned grey and lifeless
The last storm was one too many
All that is left of me is one big mess
Your words are like knives that have cut out all my flowers
No more hapiness no more smiles
Just stilness and sadness
Walking on my bare feet for miles
No destination no company
Just me and my dead flower bed
Screaming had taken away my voice
Just stillnes and sad
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