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Well I can't control the universe
Cause I'm only a man
And I've been reading the papers
But they won't tell me who I am

If you really need a new philosophy
Well there's one that makes sense
The one I profess when I say

Hey whatever
Let your beauty come alive
Let your colour fill the sky
And say, whatever
Why don't you liberate your mind
Let your colour fill the sky

All the world's a waiting room
And we're standing in line
For the answers to the question
"What makes this fine?"

Don't let them change your story
Don't let them change your song
Don't let the gurus and philosophers lead you on

It's like taking a seat at the roulette table
Just spinning the wheel
Good or bad just take what comes
Don't change how you feel
You're a champion of science
Or are y'just some freak show's fool
What can not be proved, no no
Can still be true
And I say

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