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Anates in stagno.

-- Ducks On A Pond ['69] -- The Incredible String Band --
[lyrics by Robin Williamson]

[a-'na:-té zin 'stan-jó . . .]

[hoc mundo nullam iam domum hábeo =
"I ain't got no home in this world anymore"]

Anates in stagno, anates in stagno
quae amoenitas natare suum
leo et unicornis peregrinántur
in suspenso responsa súnt
pelli leonis domina palpátur
agno lenius illam séquitur
ubicumque nymphae versántur.

Cáne mi' quicquam !!
glaciem rogávi, dícere nescívit
sed solum infrégit et abláta ést
heri cogitávi me cognóvisse
[eum] quicumque hoc cánit.

Salutes vobis, reges caelestes
qui mi' cornicem Indicam ément
ad mi' canéndum incantationem
ést ti' spes absurditer ?!
fides perfida ést
anaticulae, aviculae
caelum nubiferum.

Ludus latrunculorum
in campis Troianis
saxiscálpturae vultuum felicium
a pulchris puellis lavatio catullorum
picturae crocodilorum fobilium.

Venti hie-hiemales régunt
vernum dulce mox véniet.

Sicut agmen Arabicum baiúlo
Indus palans in terra magica
in nebula montes ubi aquilae vólant
valles secretae ubi errati plórant.

Libellum hábui plenum scidarum
atra scriptio ubique
semper quaérens quaérens insulam beatam
iúva me inveníre ubicumque sít.

Pavones de canitie loquéntes
tuto per caliginem grádiunt
turbo in tranquillo mari
blandiens ad palum clavifixus.

Quam Luna vesanus Merlino cadénte
castra conclavia-que argentea
tibicinis filio dísco
quoad aetas mea bona ést.

Iuvenes, vénite foras ut ludámus
quam per diem clare Luna fúlget
relínquite somnum et sollicitudinem
et áddite vos foras cum amiculis
vénite inclamáti aut vobis voléntes
vénite bonis animis aut nólite sane
saepimenta sursum deorsum
et aequum nobis-cum collúdat.

Per temeritatem Nigra Acus repérta ést
at de alta mensa miculae iam semper colligúntur
curis liberámur, ave Dea mea porta aperta
hoc mundo nullam iam domum hábeo
hoc mundo nullam iam domum hábeo
hoc mundo nullam iam domum hábeo
curis liberámur, ave Dea mea porta aperta
hoc mundo nullam iam domum hábeo.

Quam aves pauper praeter cánere sua carmina
res parvas quaérunt ad ordinándum aliquid suave
nigra nox érat, ave Dea mea porta aperta
hoc mundo nullam iam domum hábeo.

[Translatio a manu 白狐]

-- NOTES --

troia = also: a Roman horse-rider game
maena ['mé:-na] = [something like ??] an anchovy:
small sea-fish eaten salted by poor people.

fobilis > fovére - fotus > fo-b-ilis ["troetel-baar"]

Indus palans > pl. > Indi palantes = "in groups roaming Hindus"
> Gypsies [derived from the word > Egyptians]
> Rom [Romanoi > Byzantine Romans]
> Zigeuner, Tsiganes

curis liberámur > literally > liberémur [adhortative]
but in context I don't think that fits !!

-- N. B. --

One of my most favourite songs !! I left out the original in English because of its length. This is mostly literal but here and there I allowed myself some poetic licence, I guess, to save this from slipping into oblivion, for Latin will outlive christianity and all the smallmindedness of its shepherds that used to kill off anyone that didn't want to dirty themselves with the rules of their masterplan that hinges on the adagium that sheep will never learn and that at heart they are far worse than lions !! When lions become scarce, sheep will rise to the top and then . . . DISASTER !!

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Anates in stagno.