Let's Pretend
You won't break me
No you make me.
Without you it was ride or die
i'm still here so was it just a lie?
I'm about to pick up the gun and show you why...
You should trust me on my word
and i know it is Worth
Let's Pretend... it never came to an end
Let's pretend you never walked out.
Let's pretend i was succesfull you were Proud
let's predend nothing was fake
let's pretend there was no end no Break
no Knife that you pushed right through my chest
Let's pretend i fought for being the best..
Let's pretend i never let you go.
Let's pretend our relationship didn't knew the low.
we were lowkey but still High
reaching our hands up touching the sky
let's pretend you never hit me in the face
Let's pretend our life didn't seem to be an endless Race...
Let's pretend our love wasn't about to die...
Let's pretend WE COULD SHOW THEM WHY..
Pretend is just a dream...
And all i hear is your laughter and your endless scream...
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