1001 Gedichten

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Can't explain what is going on in my mind.
My weeks are passing by without knowing.
Drowning in this depression.
Never thought i would again be so lonely.

People are the most pathetic things i know.
First they catch you if you fall.
They make you love yourself again.
Then they leave. Every time...
They leave.
Not even gonne make this poem rhyme.

I thought i was done with it. This sick mind of mine.
You are probably not even reading this so i'll just spill it out.
I got no one to talk to. Even parents are attacking me.
I loved the way you let me love me. I felt like i could enjoy a life time.
I still don't get how i got here...

These days i'm walking around like a zombie. No feelings to show.
I cry my soul out when i'm alone. Ripping myself into pieces.
So done with the pain. Only pain pain pain
It never ends.

Nobody got a clue of what is going on in my mind.
Constantly thinking about suïcide.
Or how wastefull it is, my life.
I don't think anyone gets how much i hate myself.
Can't stand my own guts.

My mind is tortureing me. And now it hates me so much...
It even attacks my body.
More pain pain pain. Never enough.

I don't really know why i'm writing this... this doesn't count as a poem
I think i'm at my final days.
But no savior for me. Who could love a piece of shit like me?
Don't want to talk to new poeple, they will leave anyway.

I will torture myself till my last day

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