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Question mark

I feel a little lost
About all of this I’m in the dark
Al these changes I have never understood
It’s my question mark

I tried to change again today
Cos everything is different in some way
Not exactly sure when it happened
Even you and me are different together

I kind of just want to stop for a while
Isn’t there some kind of number I can dial
Someone who can explain what’s going on
Why most of who I am is gone

I tried to change again today
Cos I want to be ok
Only way I can do that is to change
Cos I’m not the same person I was back in the day

I was a lot happier than
Not sure these days if I still can
So much has happened that I didn’t want
So in order to still have some fun
I have to change and be someone new
So that’s what I will do

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Question mark