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Lovely Bird

Once I saw a lovely bird in a tree
with the most beautiful red feathers
I have ever seen
The bird noticed me
and let me catch her
so I could cage her
for my pleasure
and enjoy her presence
all the time
but I never closed
the door of her cage
I caressed the bird
whenever I could
and gave her
all the food she ever needed
Unfortunately the bird couldn't
live inside the cage I had
So I had to let her go
despite the pain I felt
to let her find more happijness
Free as she was
she only felt unhappy
and told me she still loved me
too much to stay away from me
and looked no longer a lovely bird
I told her she could better lie and be happy
then not to lie and not be happy
I would always help her keep
her secret and make sure
she wouldn't regret to have become
a love-lie bird with one secret of her own
which would make her happy again
and not hurt anyone who doesn't know
the risk in starting to lie
isn't that you can't stop lying
but only that your lie is discovered
by people that you love
if then they really love you as I do
they will forgive you
your choice for happiness
and maybe ask you to stop your lie
She finally believed me and
understood my unconditional love
she decided to lie
and became happy all over
so the love-lie bird finally
became the lovely bird she ever was....

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Op 27 maart 2014 geschreven voor mijn liefste toen ze even dacht niet meer met mij te kunnen zijn

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Lovely Bird