Scaphulam remigare.
--Prima Pars --
Scaphulam praeter
montem et folia nova
aliquis remigat.
[Yosa Buson #292.]
yama ni sôte / ko-bune kogi-yuku / waka-ba ka-na.
"along mountain / small-boat by-rowing-goes /
young-leaves I-wonder-?!" [sôte = sotte]
_ _ _ _ _
-- Secunda Pars --
In culÃcilinó
facimuscas manumitto:
tale gaudium !!
[Yosa Buson #294.]
kaya no uchi ni / hotaru hanashite / â raku ya.
"in the inside of a mosquito net /
fireflies setting free / ah joy such !!"
culex = mosquito // linum = linen, flax, thread, rope, wick, and
poetically > (fishing, etc.) net. // musca = fly //
fax = torch (Lampyridae > lampas + pyr = torch fire).
_ _ _ _ _
Translations: 白ç‹
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