Goodbye illusion, hello lie
Goodbye illusion
Hello lies
Wish I knew, wish I saw
I only was a toy for you
Played me when you wanted to
Wish I knew
You didn’t care
Now it’s all a mess
I heard so many things
about ya
That you cared.
That you didn’t
people knew
But I didn’t
Told me lies
And now they’re out in the open
Now people know
You’re one big lie
Not to me only
But I wish I knew before
That I would have never been
Your very toy
You knew how hurt I was
How hurt I’ve been
But still
Feel like a fool
A looser even
Can’t believe I still feel bad
About myself,
Not pretty enough, not fun enough
You had me under your spell
I only wish
I could escape
Cause people tell me
You’re not worth the pain
You aren’t
But still
My heart
Is broken
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