Shadow of a man..

I am but a shadow of a man
I live by the grace of your blend
I slide over your pillow
By sunrise I'll be gone
Maybe if you wait I'll come back
Some nights I live under the stairs
If someone leaves the lights on
In the downstairs hall

Don't try to chase me
You will never understand
Don't try to change me
What I am is what I am

I'm just a presence you can't see
Only in your mirror I appear
And gently you look true me
As if I weren't here

Don't try to chase me
You will never understand
Don't try to change me
What I am is what I am

I rely on memories
Shadow dancing in the dark
By the lamplight down the street
Right behind you as you are

And when you're wide awake I'm back
Just remember you once said
The one you want the most
Is the hardest to be had

Don't try to chase me
You will never understand
Don't try to change me
What I am is what I am
Don't try to change me
Don't try to change me
Don't try to change me
Don't try to change me

© Copyright Verwijderde gebruiker

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Verwijderde gebruiker

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Over dit gedicht

Het liedje van Bent van Looy ;D


Bentvanlooy Hottie