Black roses

Black roses for you my dear
Because your was always here
Never come back to me
Because then I start to scream
Scream because you don’t lave me
But baby, you have to believe me

I don’t want you anymore
I want that you just go
Go to the wildness
That is where you belong
And I’m not wrong

You to wild for me
And its making me crazy!
Because I’m a little lazy

You want all the things that you see
But you just don’t belong to me
So the black roses are for you
Because I don’t belong to you
I think that you never lave me
But baby, you riley have to believe me
The black roses are for you

So go away
I never liked you anyway
So now I send you away
Whit only black roses
Because these are going to die
Just like the love of you and I

© Copyright Verwijderde gebruiker

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Verwijderde gebruiker

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Over dit gedicht

Ik vaal een beetje in Engels maar k hoop dat e niet al te veel fouten in zitten.


Black Love Roses