Niet turnen

Gym is so fun, but ...
The pain,
the pain in my knee.
It is so intolerable,
it hurts so much.
I would still, but my knee is gone.
are tears in my eyes.
Pretty soon I overcurrent, this pain,
It is too bad, This is sometimes a dream?
I really should stop exercising?
No more? No, I can not,
never in my life!
Without sports, I have nothing to give.[
they roll over my face.
Me biting my lip, to wipe away tears,
I would not notice.
No one must see I turn around and count to ten.
The pain,
the pain as worse and worse.
I try to hide I do not want anyone to see,
I do not want anyone to know! "You okay?" someone asks, I can not answer

© Copyright Jolijn

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Dit is mijn leven op dit moment


Sport Verdriet