
I think of love
And always when I think
I think

The best thing which ever happened to me

Big brown, cute, friendly, twinkle eyes
Naughty, sweet smile
Allows me to fly
When I see you

A friendly person
A little bit complicated
But sweet
Someone you can trust

A person
One that you do not let go
Where you want to share everything

Someone there for you
Someone who understands you

You like listening to

Every time I don't see you,
I miss you

Someone like you
Let me be with you

Share the love that I feel for you
That is true love

Let me be yours
One answer is enough

Yes or no
Make your choice

And nothing will separate us
Which also may be a difference

We together

I love you
Whatever you may say

© Copyright Kim schuurman

Ingezonden door

Kim schuurman

Geplaatst op


Over dit gedicht

Het gedicht dat ik voor een jongen heb geschreven.. Maar helaas nooit heb kunnen geven

