did you know?

Did you know how much you mean to me?
Cause Your my girl for ever.
Did you know i still care the memorie's ?
cause i want them to stay forever.
do you stil listen to our lulaby?
Cause your my angel indisguised.
Does it help you get to sleep night?
Cause i want you to feel good.
I know we aint the perfect couple.
But together we get trough the hard time's.
But remember all those nights .
As we walked in the moonlight.
You and i had on close till the daylight came.
I Remenber the star's reflected in your bride bleu eyes.
Brider than star's in the sky.
You and i called love.
Did you know how much you mean to me?
Did you know i still care our memorie's?
Did you know ?

© Copyright Verwijderde gebruiker

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Verwijderde gebruiker

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Over dit gedicht

voor mijn broer en zn vriendin.
