Lijkbleek of Aszwart.

XCIII. ad Gaium Iulium Caesarem

I couldn't care less about pleasing you, Caesar,
nor would I care to know whether you are deadly
in a good or bad way !!

Geenszins ijver ik mij om in Uw gunst te staan, Caesar,
noch brandt het mij te weten of U lijkbleek bent of aszwart !!

-- Literally --

"Not-at-all too much I do my best,
Caesar, to want to please you,
nor to know whether you may be
pale-white a human or ash-black !!"

[Translation: 白狐]

Nil nimium stúdeo, Caesar, tibi vélle placére,
nec scíre utrum sís albus an ater homo !!

[- / x - - / x - - / x x / x x / x - - / x -
- / x x / x - - / x x / x - - / x -]
_ _ _ _ _

-- EXTRA --

IL. ad Marcum Tullium Ciceronem

-- To be honest, I think the following is a crooked sentence in Latin: sunt, fuerunt, erunt, then ... Catullus [qui !!] agit ... --

Most eloquent one of Romulus' grandsons,
how many are and have there been, M. T.,
and will there be in the rest of [your] years,
[like] Catullus, the worst poet of all,
the worst possible poet of all,
[who] thanks you most graciously
the best possible advocate
[/barrister/patron] of all !!

Meest welsprekend kleinkind van Romulus,
hoe vaak is en is er geweest, Marcus Tullius,
en hoe vaak zal er zijn in de rest van jouw jaren
een Catullus, de slechtste dichter van allen,
een zo slechtst mogelijke dichter van allen
[die] jou een best mogelijke advocaat van allen
het meest dankbaar is.

[Vertaling/Translation: 白狐]

Disertissime Romuli nepotum,
quot sunt quotque fuere, Marce Tulli,
quotque post aliis erunt in annis,
gratias tibi maximas Catullus
[qui] agit pessimus omnium poeta,
tanto pessimus omnium poeta,
quanto tu optimus omnium patronus.

fuére = fuérunt
alius = other, second, remaining; alio die = not today
tanto (quam/vel) pessimus > ta(ntu)m ... qua(ntu)m ...
"as worst possible ... as you the best possible ..."
quot sunt = how many are there > how often are/is there
[> ali-quot-ies = rather often > "some-(how-many)-times"]

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Aszwart Caesar Catullus Deugd Dood Lijkbleek