Like a fairytail

Dark cold night.
A Sprinkling heaven of star's.
White blosom is poring down on us.
You on my side, you are near to me.
Please,break this silence.
Im waiting for you to take my hand.
Im waiting for you to look at me.
Our souls twisted in the wind.
We Staring at the floor.
Your soft cold toutch.
Wraped around me like a warm blanchet.
Our hand's fould as one.
We will show the moon our love.
Let us dance trough the night.
Together We will rock the star's.
You and i deserve this moment.
I will give you all of my heart.
And We will life like a fairytail.
Deep in the dark night.

© Copyright Verwijderde gebruiker

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Verwijderde gebruiker

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Floor Wind Night