What is the point

What is the point in being nice to people
You never get anything back from it
People will never change, not even a little bit

What is the point in an education
So four years later you’re still unemployed
And you go insane with nothing to fill the void

What is the point in having a boyfriend
The best time is still when your alone
And you can wait for a wedding until you turn into stone

What is the point in having a house
It only means more and more bills to pay
With finally not any way you’ll be able to stay

What is the point in having a car
So it can break down when you’re trying to get somewhere
And it will take four times as long until you’re there

What is the point in having a body
So it can get sick and fail on you
And it won’t give you anything nice to hold on to

What is the point in having dreams
So you can wake up and realise they’ll never come true
and every day it matter less and less what you do

What is the point in writing this down
So I can get stuck on what I should write next
It’s just a few words that evidently make a text

© Copyright Esmeralde

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