Heb-je vannacht de sterren gezien ?!

Heb-je vannacht de sterren gezien ?!
Wil-je met me naar dek-A gaan
om met me ernaar te kijken ?!
Heb-je vannacht de sterren gezien ?!
Wil-je met me naar boven gaan,
'n wandeling, jij met mij ?!
Wat dacht je ervan -- om weg te gaan ?! -- Wij zijn vrij !!
Waarheen je ook zou willen, zouden -- we kunnen zijn !!
Heb-je vannacht de sterren gezien ?!
Heb-je ze gezien, allemaal,
de sterrenfamilie ?!
_ _ _ _ _

Vídisti-nè ástra hac nócte ?!
Vélis-ne ad prímum constrátum ascéndere
et éa aspícere uná ?!
Vídisti-nè ástra hac nócte ?!
Vélis-ne pro spátio ascéndere
et pro cómite ésse mihí ?!
Scís-ne út -- eámus, -- líberum nóbis est,
úllum lócum, quem recórdes, -- símus ?!
Vídisti-nè ástra hac nócte ?!
Spectávistí-ne ad ómnia,
ástream famíliam ?!

Translation into Dutch & Latin: 白狐.

Have you seen the stars tonite ?! --
Paul Kantner/Jefferson Starship. [1970]

[I presume the lyrics are Paul Kantner's and the music
was done by David Crosby and Paul Kantner.]

English original see below !!

Alternative >
astra/stellas, ea/eas, omnia/omnes, astream/stellarum.

(navis) constratum = (ship's) deck [in this case a starship's deck !!]
spatium = 1. (n.) space; 2. (n.) stroll, walk.

Have you seen the stars tonite
Would you like to go up on 'A' deck & look at them with me
Have you seen the stars tonite
Would you like to go up for a stroll & keep me company
Do you know
We could go
We are free
Any place you could think of
we could be
Have you seen the stars tonite
Have you looked at all
the family
of stars

© Copyright Shirogitsune

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Gezelschap Sciencefiction Starship Ster Vrijheid Wandeling